Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016


example speech about Full day School

Assallamualaikum  wr.wb
First of all, i’d like to say thanks to Allah, who has given us healthy, wealthy, so we can meet in our beloved class.
And our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness into the lightness.
And then, i’d like to say thanks to our lecture Mam Hj.Darmawati,S.Pd,M.hum who has given this opportunity to delivery this speech.
And the last, thanks for my beloved friends for your time.
Okey, i’m standing here, I’ll delivery my speech about Full day School.
Regarding support and rejection in the formulation of  the idea of our education minister,the full day school, i would like to respond as a prospective teacher.
Firstly,  the nickname full day school is not the real intention of the minister of education indonesia. Their idea is actually co-extracurricular that extra activities after the expected learning for students to think creatively, and virtuous character, especially the emphasis on basic education level. Program prepared also diverse,primary school students get 70% for character education and 30% for knowledge. Meanwhile for the junior high school  portion is 60% for character education and 40 % for knowledge.
The second, society considered that a full day school makes children less time to play and be with his family. I responded well think again, if the student is given a full day of learning material is feared children feel depressed.
We try to open a broader mind and more about mental readiness and school infrastructure. The fact that there hinterland school, extracurricular activities was minimal. Instead of extracurricular activities at school, children are given the school permission to just be pleasure for teachers although wages in get very little. Many reality remote children who come home after school to help his family’s economy is still very young age, it has become a claim for their lives.
As well as educators in the interior which is very little, and could be concluded in the interior many educators who among them are volunteers from the city who want the intellectual life of the nation. And it also educators can not force yourself to follow this system. This can be a ADDING PROBLEMS.
But, if the implementation of  full day school run by the school’s major cities became SOLVING PROBLEM because many of them parents of students in the city busy with work so often worried about their children when the children home alone. Whereas if their children in school, they felt calmer because they children unsupervised with a good feeling.
But, this is the indonesian education ministry plans are still a lot more mature thinking and good planning.therefore we still have to appreciate the effort the  minister of education and culture MUHAJIR EFENDY who want advancement of education in Indoesia. I think that’s all from me thankyou  for your attention.
Assallamualaikum wr.wb  

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